Principal's Message
Welcome to the Ridgeway Elementary School website. It is a tremendous honor to be the principal at this extraordinary school. I look forward to creating strong and collaborative relationships with students, staff and parents of this great community. Ridgeway is a special place, and I am overjoyed to be in a position to positively impact the lives of students!
My vision for Ridgeway is to continue to build an ideal school environment where students feel safe, comfortable, challenged, and engaged in class. Students and staff will celebrate core values and each other. Teachers will feel supported in their teaching and inspired to try new things. Teaching and assessments will be standards-based, instruction will be data-driven, and collaboration will be purposeful. Our school campus will stay impeccably clean and beautiful, parents will be involved in school activities and classrooms, and teachers and parents will work collaboratively to support their students.
I will be in the classroom “where the action is” in order to support the teachers, students, and to assess the needs of the school, and of course, where students will achieve academically at high levels. My goal is that together we can make all of these characteristics of an ideal school happen successfully at Ridgeway this year.
Kathy Wagonfield, Principal
Hilary Snivley, Assistant Principal
Ridgeway Elementary School
"Devote yourself to your community around you & devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
~Mitch Albom